Configuration in Terracotta
To configure a custom web activity Qualtrics survey in Terracotta, you will first need to create a new experiment. Once the experiment is created, you will add a new assignment. For the treatment that will integrate with Qualtrics, select External Integrations Integration > Qualtrics. Then you will see the interface below.
In Box 2 (Return to Terracotta) you are being provided with a return URL. Your custom web activity should redirect users to this return URL. Terracotta expects that your Qualtrics survey will have at least two embedded data fields: (1) launch_token, and (2) score. If “score” is omitted, Terracotta will assume that the survey submission will receive the maximum score on the assignment.
launch_token: A single-use token for launch validation and score return. The launch token is in UUIDv4 format. Note: There is a reserved launch token (00000000-0000-4000-A000-000000000000) that is used by Terracotta when the user is previewing a Qualtrics activity.
anonymous_id: Anonymized student identifier. This ID matches Terracotta’s participant_id in the Terracotta data export, however, depending on the configuration in Terracotta, students who access an custom web activity the Qualtrics survey may not be consenting participants. Thus, we use the label anonymous_id to refer to students accessing custom web activitiesthe Qualtrics survey, and the label participant_id to refer to consenting participants.
assignment_id: Unique identifier for the Canvas assignment
submission_id: Unique identifier for the current submission attempt
condition_name: Experimental condition name
experiment_id: Unique identifier for the experiment (specific to the course)
due_at: Assignment due date and time
remaining_attempts: Number of remaining submission attempts. If there are unlimited attempts available to the student, remaining_attempts = u.
Mark the correct answer. In the example shown below, the student will receive 1 point for selecting the option “2.”
Go back to the survey builder, and click Survey Flow. Add a new element to the survey flow, and select Embedded Data. You should enter two fields: launch_token and anonymous_id. The launch_token will be used when returning a student’s score to Terracotta. The anonymous_id refers to individual students, and can be used to connect survey responses to data in Terracotta. Once you have added these two fields, move the Embedded Data element to the top of the flow, as shown below: