Single version or multiple version components

Single version or multiple version components


If your experiment includes more than one condition, you may have noticed that you can still create a component that only has one version. Why might you want to do that?

Well, let’s say that your experiment tests two conditions, but you want to collect data from all students on a pre-experiment survey. Since you’ll want all students to take the same survey, you’d want to create an “Only One Version” assignment.


To create a component that will be the same for all students (including any who opt out of the experiment):

  1. In the Components tab, click the “Add Component” button.

  2. Click “With Only One Version.”

  3. Create your questions (check out our Quick Start Guide for step-by-step instructions).

  4. Don’t forget to publish the assignment in Canvas when you’re done!

If your experiment only has one condition, you won’t see the “Only One Version” option because you will automatically have only one version of each assignment you create.


To create a component with different versions:

  1. In the Component tab, click the “Add Component” button.

  2. Click “With Different Versions,” and Terracotta will create a version for each condition you specified earlier when setting up your experiment (“a” and “b,” in this example).

  1. Click edit, and then create treatments for each condition (again, please check out our Quick Start Guide for step-by-step instructions).

  2. Don’t forget to publish the assignment in Canvas when you’re done! Terracotta will automatically assign students to the appropriate condition.

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