Considerations re: experiment design

Considerations re: experiment design

Using Terracotta 

When conducting an experiment within Terracotta, a teacher differentiates Canvas activities for different students. In doing so, some students will receive different versions of assignments and learning resources than their peers. To minimize concerns about fairness, please consider the following recommendations: 

  1. Utilize Informed Consent in Terracotta, so that only students who volunteer to participate will experience the experimental manipulation. 

  1. Utilize the “All Conditions” design option in Terracotta, so that all students receive all versions of manipulated assignments, but in different orders. 

  1. Ensure that all experimental versions reflect pedagogically sound instructional strategies. Do not expose students to variations that are known to be less effective. 

  1. Do not manipulate high-stakes assessments or pivotally-important learning experiences. 

  1. Provide additional opportunities for students to learn the material after outside the scope of the experiment. 

  1. Emphasize to students that you are available to answer any questions, and that your availability and your responses will not be manipulated as part of your research.  
