Data Privacy

Data Privacy

As a potential participant in research, you may be concerned about who will have access to your data. We get it!

Informed Consent

Many experiments conducted using Terracotta will include an Informed Consent (or Assent, for minors) assignment that gives you the option to decide whether or not you want to participate. The information sheet will address potential risks and benefits of participating in an experiment, and the assignment will include a yes/no question about whether you want to participate.

Either way, your teacher will not know your response. Your teacher will only know whether or not you completed the assignment.

Additionally, if you decide not to participate, none of your data will be included in Terracotta’s data export.

Other Data

Only data from consenting/assenting participants is included in data exports, and that data is attached to a participant id Terracotta creates. Names, email addresses, canvas IDs, and other identifying data are left out of the data export, too.

If the experiment includes file upload assignments or short answer questions, be sure to omit identifying information, as that will be included.


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