Assignment Settings

When you’re creating an assignment, there are several settings that you can turn on or off, or adjust, according to the parameters of your experiment. Once you decide whether you want one or multiple versions of your assignment, you’ll arrive at the screen below, where you’ll name the assignment (according to the naming convention you’ve established in your class), and then you’ll have the option to allow multiple attempts and reveal treatment responses.


Allow Multiple Attempts



Checking the “allow multiple attempts” box lets students submit the assignment more than once. Instructors can decide if they would like to set a limited number of attempts or allow an infinite number of attempts.

Instructors can also determine if they would like to mandate an amount of time (measured in hours, decimals are allowed) between submissions.

If students are allowed to submit the assignment more than once, instructors must decide which score to retain as a grade for the assignment: the most recent, the highest, or an average of all scores.

Reveal Treatment Responses


*Note: this setting applies only to multiple choice questions.

Checking the top box allows students to see their responses and any points earned for those responses. You can add dates and times for when those responses should be revealed by clicking the calendar icons. If you do not add dates, the responses will always be available once the student has submitted the assignment.

If you would also like students to be able to see correct answers and any instructor comments, check the bottom box.

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