Duplicating treatments and assignments

Duplicating treatments and assignments

Sometimes assignments contain some of the same elements. Sometimes we only need to change instructions, or wording, or other details, in order to differentiate assignments between experimental treatments. In those cases, Terracotta’s 2 duplication functions can make your life easier!

 Duplicating treatments

Begin by creating your first treatment. For this example, I’ve added 3 multiple choice questions to a treatment called “Treatment b.”

  1. Click the pencil/edit icon next to “Treatment a” to open the treatment for editing.

  2. In “Treatment a,” click “copy treatment from.”




  1. Then, click Assignment 1 (if you have more than one assignment in your experiment, their titles will all appear in the dropdown menu so you can choose the one you want).

  2. Click “Treatment b,” and then you’ll see the questions from “Treatment a” appear. You can then edit the questions, responses, and/or optional instructions. When you’re done making changes, click Save & Close.


 Duplicating assignments

  1. To duplicate an assignment, click the three-dot menu, then “duplicate assignment”:

  1. Terracotta produces an identical copy of that assignment:



  1. Make any changes you’d like to the assignment and to individual treatments.

  2. If you’d like to move that assignment to a different exposure set, click “Move” in the “Edit” dropdown menu. Then move the assignment to Exposure Set 2.

  1. In Exposure Set 2, change the name of the assignment by clicking Edit. This will also allow you to adjust any assignment settings you’d like to change.




  1. When you’re done, click Save & Close.

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