Terracotta Custom Web Activity Integration Guide

Terracotta Custom Web Activity Integration Guide


Terracotta provides a flexible LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) integration that allows custom web activities to be embedded within learning management system (LMS) assignments. This guide explains how to create a custom webpage that can be seamlessly integrated with Terracotta into the LMS. 

⚠️ Terracotta does not share students’ names or identities with custom web activities. Instead, Terracotta sends an anonymous identifier to the custom web activity that can be used to connect data from the web activity to additional details about the student in Terracotta. If students will be asked to provide their name or any other personally identifiable information in the custom web activity, make sure you have permission from your school. 

⚠️ Terracotta will try to display your custom web activity in an iframe. Some web servers may block browsers from rendering their pages in iframes, which will make it impossible for Terracotta to display your custom web activity. To test if your page can be rendered in an iframe, use the Preview button in Terracotta, or use a third-party tool like https://iframetester.com/.

Responsibilities of the Custom Web Activity

When a custom web activity is integrated in Terracotta as an LMS assignment, your activity is responsible for supporting student learning and reliably returning students’ scores back to the LMS. The custom web activity must comply with Terracotta’s Terms of Use, and the custom web activity is also responsible for presenting an interface that is accessible to diverse learners. Before integrating a custom web activity, ensure the following:

  • The designer of the custom web activity should be familiar with web accessibility standards, and the custom web activity should be screened for any accessibility issues (e.g., using the free WAVE Evaluation Tool).

  • When used for graded assessments, the correct answers should not be visible in the activity’s source code. If possible, utilize server-side scoring and validation.

  • If the custom web activity utilizes generative AI, honor the EDSAFE AI Alliance’s SAFE Benchmarks. In particular, provide learners with the means to flag inappropriate content, and create a process for handling any such situations.

  • All information collected by the custom web activity is private and secure.

Configuration in Terracotta

To configure a custom web activity in Terracotta, begin by creating a new experiment. Add a new assignment. For the treatment that will integrate with the custom web activity, select External Integration > Custom Web Activity, then you'll see the interface below: 

Screenshot of Custom Web Activity Integration Interface

In Box 1 (Launch to Custom Web Activity), provide the URL to the custom web activity. Once you provide the URL, you will be able to preview your activity in a new tab. Indicate the maximum numeric score that students can earn in the web activity. Check the checkbox if the custom web activity is configured to allow students to view past submissions (this is an advanced feature; if you are unsure, leave this box unchecked). When Terracotta launches to your activity, it will append a set of launch parameters onto the URL you provided (listed below). 

In Box 2 (Return to Terracotta), you are provided with a return URL. Your custom web activity should redirect users to this return URL, and Terracotta expects that your custom web activity will append two URL parameters: (1) launch_token, and (2) score. If “score” is omitted, Terracotta will assume that the submission will receive the maximum score.  

Launch Parameters

The following variables are automatically provided to the custom web activity as URL parameters: 

  • launch_token: A single-use token for launch validation and score return. The launch token is in UUIDv4 format.  

  • anonymous_id: Anonymized student identifier. This ID matches Terracotta’s participant_id, however, depending on the configuration in Terracotta, students who access a custom web activity may not be consenting participants. Thus, we use the label anonymous_id to refer to students accessing custom web activities. 

  • assignment_id: Unique identifier for the Canvas assignment 

  • submission_id: Unique identifier for the current submission attempt 

  • condition_name: Experimental condition name  

  • experiment_id: Unique identifier for the experiment (specific to the course) 

  • due_at: Assignment due date and time 

  • remaining_attempts: Number of remaining submission attempts. If there are unlimited attempts available to the student, remaining_attempts = u.

Return to Terracotta

Terracotta expects that when a student completes the activity, they will be redirected to the URL:
with two parameters appended to the URL: (1) launch_token, and (2) score. If “score” is omitted, Terracotta will assume that the submission will receive the maximum score.  

Terracotta will not accept a score for a launch token that has already been used.  

Best Practices

  • Record Granular Data: Your custom web activity will be responsible for a legitimate academic exercise, and it should keep records of users’ interactions, responses, and submissions. By doing so, your custom web activity will help ensure the integrity of students’ coursework.  

  • Check if the Launch Token has Previously Been Used: When configuring a custom web activity in Terracotta, there is a checkbox: Tool allows students to view past submissions. If this box is checked, Terracotta will assume that the tool is able to display a past submission to a student. In this situation, if the external webpage receives a launch token that has previously been used, this indicates that a student is attempting to review their responses from a past submission. Check if the launch token has previously been used, and that the anonymous_id and assignment_id of the current launch matches the anonymous_id and assignment_id of the past submission associated with the launch_token. If so, the external page should display the data from the past submission associated with the provided launch token, with no interactivity.  

    • NOTE: There is a reserved launch_token: "00000000-0000-4000-B000-000000000000". This launch token is issued by Terracotta when previewing a custom web activity. 

  • Communicate When There are Limited Remaining Attempts: When the teacher has placed restrictions on the number of attempts that a student may submit in response to an assignment, it may be helpful for the custom web activity to communicate this to the student (e.g., if there is only 1 attempt remaining). If there are unlimited attempts available to the student, remaining_attempts = u. A custom web activity will never need to handle a situation where remaining_attempts = 0, because in this situation, Terracotta will not generate a launch_token and will not launch the student into an activity. 

  • Respect Due Dates: Consider warning users when they are accessing the webpage after the due date. Submissions made after the due date will be delivered into Canvas, but will be flagged as late. 

  • Score Calculation: The custom web activity is responsible for determining the student’s score on the activity, which should be returned to Terracotta as a URL parameter value with the name “score.” 

A Minimal Example

Here is a minimal example of a custom web activity that will integrate with Terracotta:
terracotta-external-integrations/minimal_example.html at main · terracotta-education/terracotta-external-integrations     

In the HTML body of this activity (contained within <body>…</body> tags), there is a single math question: Solve for x: 2x + 3 = 7. The student is instructed to type their answer in a text input field labeled “answer.” Note that this activity also includes an empty <p> tag that will be used for presenting feedback, and a hidden button to submit the activity. 

<div id="activity-container"> <p>Solve for x: 2x + 3 = 7</p> <label for="answer">Your answer for x:</label> <input type="text" id="answer" name="answer"> <button id="answer-btn" onclick="checkAnswer()">Answer</button> <p id="feedback"></p> <button id="submit-btn" onclick="submit()" style="display:none">Submit</button> </div>

Then, contained within <script></script> tags, there is a script that handles user input, records responses, and redirects back to Terracotta upon submission: 

// Get URL parameters const queryString = window.location.search; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString); let url_launch_token = urlParams.get('launch_token'); // Single-use launch token const url_pid = urlParams.get('anonymous_id') // Participant ID // If there is no launch_token provided, assume that this is a preview if (url_launch_token == "" || url_launch_token == null || url_launch_token == undefined) { url_launch_token = "00000000-0000-4000-B000-000000000000"; // reserved preview token } // Variable for the student's score let score = 0; // Container for responses let responses = []; function checkAnswer() { // Get timestamp var timestamp = Date.now(); // Correct answer const correctAnswer = 2; // (2x + 3 = 7, x = 2) // Get the user's answer from the input field const userAnswer = document.getElementById("answer").value; // Evaluate answer correctness var correctness = parseFloat(userAnswer) === correctAnswer; if (correctness) score += 1; // Push the response responses.push({ pid: url_pid, question: "2x + 3 = 7", correctAnswer: correctAnswer, response: userAnswer, correctness: correctness, datetime: timestamp }); // Display feedback and enable submit button const feedback = document.getElementById("feedback"); feedback.textContent = JSON.stringify(responses); // save this document.getElementById("answer-btn").disabled = true; document.getElementById("submit-btn").style.display = 'inline-block'; } function submit() { window.location.href = `https://app.terracotta.education/integrations?launch_token=${url_launch_token}&score=${score}` }

To summarize:

  1. The script receives the launch_token and the anonymous_id from URL parameters.

  2. If the launch_token is missing, it assumes that the activity is a preview and assigns the reserved preview token ("00000000-0000-4000-B000-000000000000").

  3. It then initializes the user’s score (0), and a container to record the user’s responses ([]).

  4. A function is defined, checkAnswer(), which is called when the answer button (answer-btn) is pressed. The checkAnswer() function…

    1. records a timestamp of the user’s response (in Unix timestamp format, the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970)

    2. establishes the correct answer

    3. evaluates the correctness of the user’s response

    4. updates the user’s score

    5. pushes the user’s response into the response container

    6. displays the contents of the response container and enables a final submit button

  5. The function submit() is called when the user presses the submit button, which redirects the user back to Terracotta with the provided launch_token and calculated score. 

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