Creating a survey in Terracotta

Creating a survey in Terracotta

Would you like your students to take a pre- or post-experiment survey? While it might be tempting to give students a link to a survey platform and have them take the it there, you’ll have to do some work to link the data to your experiment data in Terracotta. If you create the survey in Terracotta, your students' responses will automatically be linked (and deidentified!) to the rest of their work.

Remember to publish your assignments in Canvas once you’ve created them in Terracotta!

Create your survey

Before you start entering the survey into Terracotta, it will be helpful to have your questions and choice text written out beforehand. Please note that if you’d like your students to take the survey before they complete other assignments, you will need to set your assignments' open and close dates accordingly in Canvas.

  1. Give your assignment a title; students will see this title in Canvas. Sinc